# WhatsApp

WhatsApp Policies

WhatsApp has strict policies about what messages you are allowed to send. Please read the "policies" section carefully.

# Policies

WhatsApp has policies which can be broadly summarized as follows:

# Outbound Messages

If you want to initiate a conversation, you must pre-register the message through the Twilio console (opens new window). WhatsApp will generally only approve transactional messages.

# 24 Hour Window

When a customer messages you (whether it's a response or new conversation) - you have 24 hours when you can send any message you like.

# Unauthorized Messages Will Fail

If you try to send a message which isn't pre-approved, the message will fail.

Testing WhatsApp

You can authorize your number to receive non-approved messages for 24 hours by sending the message join hearing-round to +14155238886 on Whatsapp.

You will receive a reply confirming you're authorized. Now non pre-approved messages will succeed.

# Configuring WhatsApp

# Column Name: Phone

Markeing OS uses specific column names to avoid needing a configuration step.

To use WhatsApp (or SMS) please make sure your board has a field called Phone which contains an international-format phone number, e.g. +441234567890 in the UK.

# Configuration

WhatsApp Configuration looks like this: WhatsApp Configuration

  • The main message box is where you type your message. You can click the icon next to it to insert a field merge or URL merge.
  • Click the "+" next to the main box to add a split test
  • Click "Test" to create a test send.

# Settings

In the settings, WhatsApp can be configured under the "SMS/WhatsApp" tab. It needs the following settings:

  • Twilio User
  • Twilio Key
  • From number/name

In demo mode these are pre-set for you 😃.